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IMS Creative School

IMS is a pioneer institution in the field of modern and Islamic Education

IMS works on grass root level to provide well balanced modern and Islamic Education while creating opportunities and imbibing values. It propels Muslim students ahead in the competition making them all, as Leaders and Achievers.

Quality Education

Value-Based Learning

Research Driven

+91 9876543210

Qualified Staff
Years Of Expertise
Activities Conducted

IMS Creative School

is the first school in East Zone who had got Franchisee of MS Education Academy, Hyderabad.

MS Education Academy, Hyderabad has 52 institutions across India. It has more than 15,000 on its rolls and more than 28 year's experience in the field of Education and research.

Our Philosophy

Education is the best gift that parents can give to their child. We believe in Educating a child during his/her various stages of development while being aware of its motivations and changing interests. Therefore, our philosophy as explained below is obvious right from our good intentions to the actions of every individual in the organization.

To sincerely fulfill responsibility given to us by Allah (SWT) to Empower humanity and be Accountable.

To consistently develop Muslims as Contributors to the Society, Assets to the Nation and Global Ideal Citizens to please Allah (SWT), till the Day of Judgement.

In order to fulfill the purpose of our organization we promote and practice the following values: Respect, Integrity, Diligence, Motivation.

Contact us for more information.

Let’s collaborate and make an impact for our future generation.


Curriculum is the sum total of all learning experience a child undergoes including academics, activities, learning environment, assessment & interaction with teachers, students, parents all together from the moment a child walks in the school until he/she steps out. In the race for success, schools are gradually moving towards fast paced methods, aiming at instant results. However, Schooling should be natural and balanced, the way a tree grows taking its time to nurture appropriately with nourishment through education and experience, concepts and values, confidence, character and career thus shaping an all round personality. .

In IMS Creative School, we have designed a Value based curriculum in accordance with National Curriculum Framework to focus on all round development of the children so that they identify their identity, realize the need and become leaders of tomorrow.

The Curriculum is comprised of: Objectives, Syllabus, Methodology, Resources, Assessment, Activities, Scheduling, Observation, Feedback and Research.